Friday, May 24, 2024

Going on a Cruise?

Read this, even if you leave the United States, this problem can be avoided

"Michigan man who had seizure on Royal Caribbean cruise forced to pay $2500 bill before evacuating.

Vincent Wasney was told that after having three seizures aboard the Independence of the Seas liner and receiving a blood test and medication, he owed more than $2,500, which had to be paid before he could disembark.

Mr Wasney, 31, told NPR he informed the crew he couldn’t pay that much, and was asked by a cruise employee, “How much can you pay?
The couple had to drain their bank accounts and max out a credit card to pay for the bill, and even then they still needed another $1000 to cover the full list of services.

Under the cruise operator’s terms and conditions, guests are required to pay in full the expenses they incurred on their trip, and Royal Caribbean doesn’t accept “land-based health insurance plans.” The company advises guests to consider travel insurance before setting sail.
Avoid this by adding Travel Insurance, its cheap and will protect you and get you repatriated!
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