Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy National Skilled Trades Day

 National Skilled Trades Day is observed annually on the first Wednesday in May.

While college degrees open up diverse career opportunities, skilled trades provide a focused path to specific work. Here’s the difference:
• College Degrees: A bachelor’s degree can lead to various careers. However, it often requires several years of study and significant financial investment. College graduates have broader options but may face student loan debt.
• Skilled Trades: These programs focus on practical skills. Whether you become an electrician, HVAC technician, or hairstylist, you’ll be well-prepared for your chosen field. Skilled trades offer stability and a quicker entry into the workforce.

In summary, both skilled trades and college degrees have their place. It’s essential to consider your interests, goals, and financial situation when making a decision. National Skilled Trades Day reminds us of the vital role these workers play in our society, and it encourages us to appreciate their contributions.

So, whether you’re tightening bolts, designing buildings, or caring for patients, know that your skills matter. Happy National Skilled Trades Day!

Look at the graph, great salary, and NOT spending $200,000 on 4 year degree. With many trades, you can also take part in a paid apprenticeship that lets you earn money while you learn on the job. According to statistics from the U.S. government, 92% of apprentices who complete their program retain employment and go on to earn an average annual salary of $72,000.

Get more info from the best advocate there is, Mike Rowe at

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